ZANA was invited by Kopinor, the Norwegian donor to ZimCopy, to attend a meeting in Kama-pala, Uganda. It was an appraisal meeting and they wanted to here ZANA's successes and chal-lenges in working with ZimCopy. We were represented by the National Chairperson Mr. Samuel Makore. Also in the picture is Mr. Greenfield Chilongo of ZimCopy and Ms Virginia Phiri .

There were also representatives from Malawi, Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. Kopinor was repre-sented by Mr Hans-Peter Fuglerud who is the Deputy Executive Director, Mr Tronb Andreassen, a Board Member and Secretary General of the Non Fiction Writers and Translators Organisation NSS, and Mr Martin Biehro, a Board Member and Managing Director of the Norwegian Organi-sation for Visual Communication.