1 The Association shall hold an Annual General Meeting once a year and may hold workshops and meetings between General Meetings.
2 The agenda of each Annual General Meeting shall include:
2.1 Approval and confirmation of minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting.
2.3 The presentation of the accounts of the Association in respect of the preceding financial year.
2.4 The election of the National Executive Committee for a further three year when due.
3 Whenever appropriate and necessary the following items shall be included on the agenda of an Annual General Meeting:
3.1 The appointment of an auditor.
3.2 The approval of applications from groups of ordinary members wishing to be recognised as branches of the Association.
3.3 The consideration of nominations for honorary membership.
4 The secretary shall be responsible for taking proper minutes of the proceedings of the Annual General Meeting.
5 The Annual General Meeting shall be the supreme organ and policy-making body of the Association.
6 It shall pass and approve resolutions and decide on the date and venue of the next Annual General Meeting.